Monday 30 April 2012

ThomasTank Driver

So I thought that it was about time I caught up with all the trendy Crafty Mums and made my own Blog
I thought this could be one of those show off my creations and throw in the odd idea about Kids, budgeting,cooking and life in general so here goes...

Driver Costume

My current project is a Thomas The Tank Driver outfit for Mr 7s book day, I shortened some largish size 12 overalls and used the extra fabric and some other fabric I had lying around to make a matching hat from a pattern I got here

Im not as good at sewing as crochet but it turned out OK, it was a bit tricky sewing with the thickness of the hat layers. I had to patch some pieces together as the pant legs wernt wide enough, and I didn't have interfacing lying around, but the fabric being stiff enough didn't need it. I also made the back band a contrasting colour which I thought looked cool

Train driver hats

I made another hat in the smaller size for Miss 2 from jean material after that because it was so much fun and always wants the same things. I made the box pleats a bit bigger to fit her smaller head. you cant see from the picture but they are both reversible with a colourful printed fabric on the reverse side.

That's the hat done next for the Train part BRB....

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